Which of the following does NOT occur during skeletal muscle contraction? Calcium binds to myosin heads. Which of the following best describes the composition of the structure known as a triad in a skeletal muscle fiber? actin, troponin, and tropomyosin.This is Quiz 1 from Coursera's R Programming class within the Data Science Specialization . This publication is intended as a learning resource, all answers are documented and explained. Datasets are available in R packages. 1. The R language is a dialect of which of the following programming...Hints apply only to the optimization of the statement block in which they appear. A statement block is any one of the following statements or parts of statements: A simple SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. A parent statement or subquery of a complex statement. A part of a compound query.In Peculiar Wonderland, minigames are selected at random from a pool. When fighting Electro Hypostasis: Aleph, which of the following elements is unable to decrease the HP of its prisms? Which of the following is not a minigame that can be experienced during the Windblume Festival?Which of the following will occur in the money market when the aggregate price level increases? Which of the following would cause a movement from point S to point R on the short-run Phillips curve above? Which of the following will most likely result in an increase in aggregate demand?
RPubs - Ryan Tillis - Data Science - R Programming - Quiz 1 - Coursera
In 80% physiological saline lysis of the RBCs does not occur because...? Facilitated diffusion by protein transporters is dependent on? How is it that life evolved to effectively dissipate solar energy (into heat) if the first forms of life were chemosynthetic heterotrophs?Select All That Apply When A Single Transverse Wave Is Created With No Reflections. Part(a): Options 2 and 3 are responsible for the occurrence of superposition i .e superposition occurs when waves pass through one another and smaller waves combines to form larger waview the full answer.Select ALL that apply. You can only change the default value for a user input control if the Klip has not yet been saved. DJ The Tassmanian is working on a Klip that lists his upcoming shows with a dynamic datasource and sees the following message: "A problem occurred while loading the...Q. Which of the following Elemental Resonances can reduce the CD of Elemental Skills. Impetuous Winds. Q. Diluc used to be the Knights of Favonius. Q. Which of the following characters will not have their Charged Attacks infused by Cryo DMG by Chongyun's Spirit Blade: Chonghua's Layered...

Optimizer Hints
Q 2 - Which of the following is not true about the PL/SQL language? A - PL/SQL's general syntax is based on that of ADA and Pascal programming language. B - Apart from Oracle, PL/SQL is available in TimesTen in-memory database and IBM DB2. C - PL/SQL is tightly integrated with SQL.Select all that apply. YES Given a database of information about your users, automatically group them into different market segments. If the input features are on very different scales, it is a good idea to perform feature scaling before applying PCA. Which of the following are recommended applications...In solving this question I noticed that all three line charges must be an equal perpendicular distance from the center, so maybe by superposition I The electric potential along the perpendicular bisector of a line charge is dependent on the length of the line charge and the distance along the bisector.(Select all that apply.) Apply continuous passive motion machine during day. Perform neurovascular checks. Elevate head of bed 30 degrees before meals. Which of the following statements indicates that the client has correctly understood the teaching? Select all that apply. "If I limit my fluid intake I...↓ Search by questions (Input Keywords). Q. Which of the following is the customary Hilichurl Q. Which of the following Elemental Resonances can reduce the CD of Elemental Skills? Q. Some of Lisa's attacks can apply the Conductive status onto monsters. What is the maximum number of...
I will give you two ideas that would possibly help for the two problems you mention. First, I create some pattern information:
set.seed(175) alternatives <- c("A", "B", "C", "A,B", "A,C", "B,C", "A,B,C") data <- information.frame(respondent = 1:15, letter = pattern(choices, 15, replace = TRUE)) knowledge ## respondent letter ## 1 1 A,C ## 2 2 B,C ## 3 3 A,B ## 4 4 C ## 5 5 B,C ## 6 6 A,B ## 7 7 B ## 8 8 A ## 9 9 B,C ## 10 10 C ## 11 11 A ## 12 12 B ## 13 13 C ## 14 14 A,C ## 15 15 A,B,CFor simplicity, I used only three ranges.
1) The following serve as can be used to plan `information$letter) directly in the method you need:
plot_allapply <- function(possible choices) # convert to persona choices <- as.personality(alternatives) # break up at comma and unlist choices_split <- unlist(strsplit(possible choices, ",")) # convert back to issue and plot plot(as.issue(choices_split)) plot_allapply(information$letter)It works as follows: First, the knowledge in letter needs to be transformed from type factor to character. (I know that this is a factor, because differently you would not get a plot at all.) Then, each element of the persona vector is split at the commas. (Run strsplit(as.character(data$letter), ",") to look how this works on your data and ?strsplit for more information.). Since this yields a listing, it's converted to a character vector the usage of unlist. The ultimate line converts again to issue (which is wanted to ensure that plot to create the proper of plot) and plotted.
2) There are some ways how you should paintings with the knowledge in data$letter. If you are interested to know, which respondents selected "B", it's essential do
grepl("B", data$letter)This will go back a logical vector that is TRUE on every occasion "B" is contained in a respondents answer. Thus, all of those will give TRUE: "B", "A,B", "A,B,C".
Maybe it helps so as to add this information on your knowledge frame. This may well be finished as follows:
knowledge <- turn out to be(knowledge, isA = grepl("A", letter), isB = grepl("B", letter), isC = grepl("C", letter)) data ## respondent letter isA isB isC ## 1 1 A,C TRUE FALSE TRUE ## 2 2 B,C FALSE TRUE TRUE ## 3 3 A,B TRUE TRUE FALSE ## 4 4 C FALSE FALSE TRUE ## 5 5 B,C FALSE TRUE TRUE ## 6 6 A,B TRUE TRUE FALSE ## 7 7 B FALSE TRUE FALSE ## 8 8 A TRUE FALSE FALSE ## 9 9 B,C FALSE TRUE TRUE ## 10 10 C FALSE FALSE TRUE ## 11 11 A TRUE FALSE FALSE ## 12 12 B FALSE TRUE FALSE ## 13 13 C FALSE FALSE TRUE ## 14 14 A,C TRUE FALSE TRUE ## 15 15 A,B,C TRUE TRUE TRUEFacial movement is primarily controlled by nerve while ...

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